Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3rd Place in My Piano Recital! - Entry Six

You heard me right! I got 3rd place in my piano recital! I am so proud of myself! Oh, the song I played was called 'Wonders of my Life'. Cool, huh? I sent Lissie a letter about it and she replied back this morning with a new gymnastics baton for me! It's from my parents, and it's blue and extremely sparkly. Well, I better go, I only have a couple of minutes to do this 'cause Beckie and I are at her ballet class and we're practicing for our performance. Uh oh, gotta dash, Madam's calling us for one last dress rehearsal, and she's really scary so better not be late! Wish us luck!

EDIT: Yippee! We won 2nd place! I'm super proud now! Can't wait for my tap recital next fortnight! Sorry this was extremely short by the way.


Your Winner, Elizabeth

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