Friday, February 11, 2011


Hi everyone, Lizzie here. So today was the 1st day of school after the Christmas Holidays, and even though I am home-schooled, my teacher was sick and said he wouldn’t be back for 2 months because he was going on holiday to Spain, so I had to go to Beckie’s school! (Lady Rose’s Primary School for Girls on Lady Rose’s Road) Beckie’s school is really cool, except for this one girl named Madelin Hayes. She is really mean, and guess what she did? She stole my diary! I mean, seriously! My books all fell on the floor, and everyone had already gone to dance class, except Madelin. She offered to help me pick them up. At lunch, Rebecca told me that Madelin was never nice, so she told me to check my bag in case something was missing. I did, and my diary was missing! Beckie was really smart, and she gave me my diary back, even though Madelin insisted it was her’s, even though it had MY name in it! When I was picking up Puff (our cat) from the neighbour’s I dropped my diary. I then went to my friend Annie’s house. When I took too long, Rebecca decided to look for me, and she looked for the key in my bag. She noticed my diary was missing, so she went to Annie’s house and told me. On the way, she saw Madelin holding my diary! She was singing about it really badly too. (“La la, I’VE GOT IT AGAIN! Mwa hahaha!” she went) So now Madelin has my diary. Again. WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

EDIT: Yay! Thanks to Rebecca, I have my diary back! And I promise to keep it really safe, too.



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