Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3rd Place in My Piano Recital! - Entry Six

You heard me right! I got 3rd place in my piano recital! I am so proud of myself! Oh, the song I played was called 'Wonders of my Life'. Cool, huh? I sent Lissie a letter about it and she replied back this morning with a new gymnastics baton for me! It's from my parents, and it's blue and extremely sparkly. Well, I better go, I only have a couple of minutes to do this 'cause Beckie and I are at her ballet class and we're practicing for our performance. Uh oh, gotta dash, Madam's calling us for one last dress rehearsal, and she's really scary so better not be late! Wish us luck!

EDIT: Yippee! We won 2nd place! I'm super proud now! Can't wait for my tap recital next fortnight! Sorry this was extremely short by the way.


Your Winner, Elizabeth

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Alphabet Club - Entry Five

Bonjour, everybody! How do you do? I'm fine, thank you! Sorry, I'm just messing around, but let's get to the point! Anyhoo, while I was in the park today playing football or soccer or whatever you want to call it while Beckie was doing her cooking show, and while I was playing I met a girl named Myrna Allens. Apparently, her mother, Sally Allens, is famous as she is in charge of all clubs in Sunsetville, including the Spa Club, which Rebecca thinks is awesome. Anyways, Myrna, or Myr, as she wants to be called, has an Alphabet Club which has girls whose surnames begin with the alphabet. So she asked Beckie and me if we would like to join as 'C' and 'R'. Apparently, Meeya Maxwell (Madelin's BFFsty) and Madelin are in the club as 'M' and 'H' (we call everyone by their letter) and Beckie managed to forget that Madelin was trying to be nice, and she happily agreed to join to spy on 'H', and thankfully, our friend Micayla Jake from school, was in the club too, so it wouldn't be too bad, no? Oh, and 'Myr' is obviously 'A', her friend Hannah Benson is 'B' and Micayla is 'J'. Well, tonight is their annual tea party, and we are invited! I'll update when I come home. Pray it goes well!

EDIT: The tea party went fabulously! I especially loved the peppermint cookies!



Friday, February 11, 2011

Sad Day - Entry Four

Elizabeth here, today Mum and Aunty went to school, so basically Beckie and I had the run of the house.  YAY! But sadly, that meant they couldn’t get to play with us. WAA! At least, all the big ‘uns went to work, so we were alone. So yup. Madelin’s actually being quite nice so yay! I also found out she has a lil’ sis named..Isabel? Sorry if this was way too short, but ah well! Eeeps, Mum’s home! Gotta go, Bye!

Love and Hugs,


Elizabeth's Shop - Entry Three

Finally! Some good news for once! Anyhoo, well today after visiting a friend, I spotted this really cute shop for sale and I asked the owner (Melody Harrison) how much it was and she said since it was so small it was only 50 euro so I went ahead and bought it! I also found out we have an attic and there was some really cool stuff there that I could sell. Beckie also got a job at a new art store down the road to my house. And, a few days ago, Lissie sent me a letter all the way from Williamsburg in Virginia and she sent me: a pillow with ‘BFF’ on it that she sewed herself, a necklace, two glitter tubes, a flower charm, a pink plaid star and I think that’s it. Did I forget anything? No, I don’t think so. Sorry, I’m typing away to myself now! Sorry this entry was kinda short. So, yup! Nearly forgot, had another piano lesson with Magic today and I did a song called ‘Dream Big’ and I performed a rhytimitic gymnastics routine in front of the class! Cool, huh? Well, I better go. Toodles!


Your Elizabeth


Hi everyone, Lizzie here. So today was the 1st day of school after the Christmas Holidays, and even though I am home-schooled, my teacher was sick and said he wouldn’t be back for 2 months because he was going on holiday to Spain, so I had to go to Beckie’s school! (Lady Rose’s Primary School for Girls on Lady Rose’s Road) Beckie’s school is really cool, except for this one girl named Madelin Hayes. She is really mean, and guess what she did? She stole my diary! I mean, seriously! My books all fell on the floor, and everyone had already gone to dance class, except Madelin. She offered to help me pick them up. At lunch, Rebecca told me that Madelin was never nice, so she told me to check my bag in case something was missing. I did, and my diary was missing! Beckie was really smart, and she gave me my diary back, even though Madelin insisted it was her’s, even though it had MY name in it! When I was picking up Puff (our cat) from the neighbour’s I dropped my diary. I then went to my friend Annie’s house. When I took too long, Rebecca decided to look for me, and she looked for the key in my bag. She noticed my diary was missing, so she went to Annie’s house and told me. On the way, she saw Madelin holding my diary! She was singing about it really badly too. (“La la, I’VE GOT IT AGAIN! Mwa hahaha!” she went) So now Madelin has my diary. Again. WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

EDIT: Yay! Thanks to Rebecca, I have my diary back! And I promise to keep it really safe, too.



What a Nuisance! - Entry One

So sorry for the lame title, but I couldn’t think of anything else! Oh, it’s Lizzie by the way. Well, this morning I woke up, guess at what time? 1:00 in the afternoon! So that means I’ve only been awake for 1 hour and 29 minutes! My stupid alarm clock never rang, so yup. I really need some new batteries for it. Also, Rebecca was annoying me ’cause she was doing her video thingy, and she was spying on me! Also, I got a phone call from my teacher (I’m home-schooled, by the way) and he said I had to do piano lessons! I mean, it’s bad enough I had to do the flute when I was 5, and I had to tap-dance when I was 7 and a 1/2  (and I still do!) and now I have to learn how to play the piano as well? I mean, come on, people!! Also, after eating brunch at Magic’s cafe, (The Quiet Place Cafe) I tried to find Rebecca, and she kept avoiding me! Ugh, sorry about that, I’m just in a really bad mood, so don’t think I’m trying to load all of my troubles on you guys. And piano lessons (with Magic of all people!) wasn’t really that bad. Well, I have to go, have to practice my song!




Hello, everybody! This is Elizabeth (Leanne Joy Cole - :\), and I'm way excited! This is my blog, so hope you enjoy the following posts! They were written on different days, but posted on the same. Toodles!

