Sunday, March 6, 2011

Shopping and a Tea Party! - Entry Eight

Today is a fine day, don'cha think? Well, today Rebecca and I had a fantastic tea party! It was so much fun! We had it with Beth and Alli too, of course. It was so much fun, but I was worried it wouldn't go well. Silly me! It went perfectly fine, and we had lots of fun, dancing and eating together. I wore my shift, shoes, pinner cap and my pearl necklace along with two green clippies in my hair, keeping it out of my face. I'm really proud, as I set up the table for the party all by myself, and Beckie was kind enough to bring along some cupcakes as well. Oooh, and I forgot to tell you! Mum went to IKEA and bought us both beds! Cool, eh? I get the top bunk! MWA HA HA! (Uh oh, I'm starting to turn into Madelin!) Anyhoo, before I get out of control here, I also went shopping and sent another letter to Lissie. I love writing letters, don't you?



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