Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Forbidden Park - Entry Nine

You will never believe what I did a couple of days ago. Well, I went for a walk, because I was bored and had nothing to do, and anyways, Beckie told me to because she wanted to be alone. Well, I did what she asked and went for a walk. The thing is, I made a teeny tiny mistake. I went into the Forbidden Park. Oopsi-daisies. Anyhoo, I walked in and a man immediately grabbed me shoved me into this room. Thankfully, Becca knew me very well and followed me to the park. She snuck in and we managed to talk quickly in the room. Unfortunately, the man and his wife took me out and moved me to a smaller, squishier room. It was HORRIBLE. I was so squished, I had to bend my legs just to get in! And I couldn't get out either, because the man swallowed the key. Bleh. Rebecca, the hero, saved me. YAY! I'm so so so happy, and extremely grateful, because the man, his wife and 3 guards did not feed me. Boo. Sorry if I'm not writing much in this post. I really don't want to talk about what happened. Well, I'm off, I'm reading a book for school and I'm upset because of my extra credit assignment, which I'm not proud of. On the bright side, we rearranged our room!



Sunday, March 6, 2011

Shopping and a Tea Party! - Entry Eight

Today is a fine day, don'cha think? Well, today Rebecca and I had a fantastic tea party! It was so much fun! We had it with Beth and Alli too, of course. It was so much fun, but I was worried it wouldn't go well. Silly me! It went perfectly fine, and we had lots of fun, dancing and eating together. I wore my shift, shoes, pinner cap and my pearl necklace along with two green clippies in my hair, keeping it out of my face. I'm really proud, as I set up the table for the party all by myself, and Beckie was kind enough to bring along some cupcakes as well. Oooh, and I forgot to tell you! Mum went to IKEA and bought us both beds! Cool, eh? I get the top bunk! MWA HA HA! (Uh oh, I'm starting to turn into Madelin!) Anyhoo, before I get out of control here, I also went shopping and sent another letter to Lissie. I love writing letters, don't you?



Thursday, March 3, 2011

Allison & Bethany Conway - Entry Seven

Hello! Well, last week I was in town, shopping around for some new stuff, and you will never believe what I found! In one alley, there was this little store named Lindsey's Second-Hand Store, and there was this little tub on a table and beside it were some other little toys like dolls, etc, etc. Anyhoo, you will never believe what I found in the tub! A doll! She was so beautiful, that I fell in love with her immediately. When I got home, I looked her up on the internet and it turns out she is a Starry Daze doll! They are these really beautiful dolls with awesome clothes. I named mine Allison Celeste 'Alli' Conway. Cool, huh? Well, the next day was Rebecca and me's friendship anniversary and I got Beckie an AG doll, and she got me...a SD doll! I was so so so happy! Thank you ever so much, Beckie! I named her Bethany Ann 'Beth' Conway, Ann after Beckie! I LOVE THEM! They are awesome dolls and I really recommend them! For now, I'm keeping my eye on another doll......

Lots of love,

Elizabeth, Alli, and Beth!